Right Now, Right Here

This noon, I was listening to the instrumental song “Give Thanks” while driving to my friend’s house from office. The sky is cloudy. I arrived at the traffic light, and suddenly the rain started to pour down.
Well for me it’s not a very big deal. I just slide the lever, and the screen is clear again. My car is also a big-type one, so I don’t need to worry about passing through flooded road, if there’s any. Still I thinking, “why it have to rain, right here, right now?” the road usually becomes more crowded if it’s raining, and I actually have to arrived pretty fast. Just as I finished thinking, I see outside my car in the left, a man in motorcycle hastily step down, taken out his raincoat, wear it, all while constantly watching the traffic light hoping that it doesn’t turn green very soon. Another man farther away still sitting calmly in his motorcycle, letting rain poured upon himself. Then some words softly heard on my heart, “You have to thankful with what you have right here, right now, because not everyone is as ‘lucky’ as you are, and you still have room for complaining.” I’m rarely used motorcycle, because my parents won’t allowed me too. But I just thinking how stress it would be, like the man who have to using his raincoat hastily. And suddenly I feel thankful for not get wet when it’s raining in the middle of the road, something that I previously taken for granted. Life will be more colorful if we able to give thanks from small things that happen around us. So I learn to more appreciate what’s present in my surrounding right now, right here, rather than clinging too much onto something uncertain in the future and forget about the present.

Browser War: My Background

Google Chrome Icon

Google Chrome

It’s have been 5 years that I have completely ceased using Internet Explorer. It was when I finally gave a browser named Mozilla Firefox a try. After using it for a while, I have to admit that using Firefox is less buggy and has notably faster download time. But then I met this website: Facebook. That web is so Flash- and Javascript-based heavily that I can expect my Firefox to crash anytime soon even if I only open one sole page of Facebook. And the system becomes so slow when I opened dozens page of Facebook, which is my primary browsing habit. So one year ago, I gave another browser a shot, and that would be Google Chrome. And the first impression didn’t disappoint me. From the sleek interface, and the performance, chrome is somewhat faster and reliable than Firefox. It crashes less — a crash on one page didn’t severely affect other pages, which a feature I found nice for a tab maniac person like me. And the Javascript engine is blazing fast, even at its 2008 beta. I have found this Javascript-based NES emulator website which said that only Chrome is able to play the game at full speed the game will run full speed when played with Chrome, Safari 4, and Opera. Nobody’s perfect though. Even if Chrome is crashed less when opening Facebook, Chrome was crashed often when I tried to save a picture or download a file from the web — any operation that needs to open “Save As” dialog. It’s not always crashed, but everytime the dialog was opened, the browser become more and more unstable until it crashed. Chrome even crashed my computer to the point of blue screen of death, something I never experienced when using Firefox.

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How to Maintain A Healthy Belly

Full course dinner

Full course dinner

Well, first, to be honest, I’m not a person who dilligently maintain and taking good care of myself. I’m not always eat on time, and also not strictly maintain a routine sleeping time. But I do love studying about health. So let me share what knowledge I have accumulate over the past 20 years. I know that my knowledge surely far from perfect and many of these are based on personal research, so let’s discuss about it together.

Today let’s talk about Stomach. It’s the organ inside our belly that can process the steak and fruit that we eat so that our body can absorb it. We supposedly have already know how important this one organ is. But we often forgot to taking care this organ correctly. Here are the suggestions on how to keep your stomach healthy.

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A Session with Parents

I forgot when was the time I and my parents got involved in a serious discussion. I do still communicate with them, but not in an extensive way. But from time to time, we do have a serious and two way conversation. Tonight is such an exception. Because I’m free tonight, we go to a restaurant together. On the way there, my dad drove the car to the gas station. While he filled the car, I talked to my mom. Actually, I was planning to say this for some time, but never got a good chance. I suddenly think, it’s now or never, because never is something that actually can be happen when seeing my hesitation.

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By Martin Tjandra Posted in Family

Recharge Plan

From: Lady
To: Martin

Saturday, March 5, 2011 (it’s a holiday).
PAW Church Activist Fellowship (AOG service).
Topic: Recharge.
Speaker: ps. Philip Mantofa.
Time: 10pm till done.
Place: GMS Church Conv Hall.
If the people who commit to attend below 80 percent of total activist, the event will be cancelled. Reply today asap. God bless.

I’m very surprised when receiving this short message in my cellphone. It’s very rare of Ps. Philip to held a PAW Fellowship event. Of course I’m excited, given that it’s held on holiday. Does this mean that many AOG PAW activist is tired? I don’t know. But the most important thing is that the event will be held and I’m more than excited to wait for that!

By Martin Tjandra Posted in Church

Thinking About Future

Face it: thinking about future is not the same as going through it. In past few days, my father has been giving advice to me of how I should handle my future. But as a matter of fact, i do lack one character quality: courage. The lack of quality is the worse thing can happen than lack of money, or lack of skills, because it disables one from doing anything further. I do read many books about handling future, but that just only increasing my knowledge, not my courage. I should have understand that i have the potential needed to be success, and i have the resource needed to back that up, but why the feeling of discouragement still lurking me up inside. Now i know that the power of phylosophy doesn’t save you from fear. I know that the solution to fear is simple: face it, and don’t think too much like i do, and you’ll overcome your fear. Sadly, it’s have been a habit for me to overthink about something that i still can’t let it go just like that. But i also know that talking isn’t going to solve anything. The three things that can solve anything is do it, do it, and do it! C’mon Martin, wake up and pay attention!

By Martin Tjandra Posted in Life

Connect Group Meeting

Well, today is the first time for many people. Especially for me, gaby, and tesa. In short, my Connect Group (CG), and Gaby’s CG is joined for a period of time (presumably until May), and this is the first time we have a meeting to discuss where to lead our newly formed CG, and scheduling who’s having responsibility for what at when. It turns out that this the first time for Gaby to do meeting at restaurant (we held the meeting at Sushi co at The Loop), and we try to getting know better at each other’s CG. And mostly of the time, the three of us laughed so hard at the differences of our CG. It’s also my first time to held such a fun informal meeting. In the first half, we still discuss the meeting agenda normally, even though still so many jokes comes out. But at the near end of our meeting time, we completely strayed out of the topic by discussing what’s the best way to torture cockroach until die, or how a bloodsucker will react if we force it to suck shampoo, and such. Haha. It’s so much fun. I want to do that again. Hehe. I think this is a good start. Let’s see how we manage to carry out the agenda.

By Martin Tjandra Posted in Friends

Mobile Post

Haha. finally able to blog from hp, after painful attempts to blog ‘normally’ from opera mini and uc browser to no avail. then after googling for a while, found this mopress J2ME application, which behave somewhat like nokia IDE editor, makes me the sony ericsson user a little confused. Haha. Anyway, you should try this. It’s a decent program. Download it here.

By Martin Tjandra Posted in Tech

Turn on the Engine!

Actually, this blog is already established for some time, but  I don’t feel like to fill it. Maybe it’s just my laziness. Haha. But when today I saw the blog of etodac, the spirit to blogging suddenly risen again inside me. Well, let’s hope that this is not a temporary excitement. =P anyway, I will do this blog in different style, and in a more loose way than my previous blog that I have been deleted so long time ago. I will not restrict myself in order to keep my blog neat, because actually it refrain me to write new things to my blog. I will not restrict myself to how long each entries will be, or what thing I will put in each entries, hoping that I will blog more. I will try to even blogging mobile from my cellphone. That also mean that I will not try to organize my blog very thoroughly with categories, tags, or anything. If I feel want to do it, I will do it. I hope you will find more honest, more clear, more cheerful and extrovert post going along with this blog. And if you do catch something in any of my entries, do leave comment, so I could get the feedback.

Now let’s get started!

By Martin Tjandra Posted in Life