How to Zoom Your iOS Simulator to Arbitrary Scale


How to do:

  1. Quit simulation if open.
  2. Open terminal (from spotlight for example, type terminal).
  3. Paste this next text to the terminal and press enter. Change the 0.4 to any scale you wish (with 0.4 equals to 40%).
    defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ SimulatorWindowLastScale "0.4"
  4. Or alternatively, go to /Library/Preferences and edit file. Edit value for KEY SimulatorWindowLastScale to desired scale.

I was learning about developing app for iOS. Everything went smoothly so far, except that the iOS simulator display iPhone 6 plus screen which is larger than my MacBook Air screen, even at 50% zoom. I’ve been searching so far on the internet and every answer always saying the same thing: to use CMD+1, CMD+2, CMD+3 shortcut to change the zoom, which is not enough for me. Then I came across this brilliant answer which requires some kind of console command to do, but it did the job. But beware, the simulation display result might be a little jaggy.

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