Submit Site to Google Indexer Without Business Plan

As we know, Google removes Public URL Submission Tool last year. For change, they ask (force) website owner to use Google Search Console tool, which basically works the same, with some key differences:

  • You have to own the website. You cannot submit wild URL to Google anymore.
  • You actually have to submit XML sitemap to Google Index. You can’t just submit the root URL of your website anymore.
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MPAndroidChart Explained in Kotlin

I am new to Kotlin and Android programming, and somehow I have a hard time to find a really basic MPAndroidChart plugin explanation. Finally, I found the tutorial from the plugin writer himself. You can read it here.

But I want to rewrite the tutorial from a different point of view, and hope that it can help you (especially all the Android dev beginners) to understand about the concept in a better flow.

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