Money Can’t Buy Everything — But Still Important


There’s an ongoing symptoms in the midst of Christian believers nowadays, and its name is Chrometophobia, or fear of money. In this case, it’s not actually fear, but rather, dislikes. The Christian is taught about “for the money is the root of all evil” law, therefore people tends to stay away from activity that can gave them label “money digger”. People feels guilty when they collect money more than what he thought he need. Sorry, did you notice that I wrote the law wrong? Correct. I was deliberately wrote it wrong. The correct one is “for the love of money is the root of all evil”. It’s not the money that is wrong, but it’s our attitude toward the money that can make it the root of all evil. People sometimes giving up opportunities and saying “I dislikes money. It’s the root of all evil,” kind of things. But actually, more often than not, it’s because they’re covering up for their lack of motivation by giving excuses that looks religious.

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Gong Xi Fa Cai, My Old Job, and My New Cover (Aku Percaya)

Gong Xi Fa Cai - Happy Chinese New Year!

Gong Xi Fa Cai – Happy Chinese New Year!

Hello everybody and Happy Chinese New Year! Or should I say, Gong Xi Fa Cai? And some people even say Zhongguo Xinnian (Zhongguo = Chinese, Xin = New, Nian = Year). I’m not that fluent in Chinese language, but I understand some common terms, and this is a very common terms between Chinese people, even if they can’t speak Chinese.

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Yet Another Cover for GMS Kupercaya Mujizat: Trima Kasih

Kupercaya Mujizat

Kupercaya Mujizat

Wow, this is the third cover for this GMS Kupercaya Mujizat album. This song is actually the first new song that I heard sung in the sunday service. So this song is the one that started to make me feel excited about this album. I actually have tried several times making the cover for this song, but always ended up in failure. I feel this song is harder to cover than the previous two songs. I don’t know, I guess I add too much complexity into the cover, and with this kind of traditional cover, once you do mistake, you have to re-roll the camera from the beginning, which is slightly annoying. I even tried to make cover using piano, but when I review it again, the sound of the piano was very loud, and my voice kind of drown in between the piano notes. So I fall back using the guitar again, as I emphasize on the lyric content for this cover. In this cover, as usual, I’ve translated the Indonesian lyric into English. But this time, it’s a loose translation. It means that it may not have the exact translation word per word, but I tried to capture the message of the lyrics, and use it to create English lyric with the same message, if not (I hope) more powerful. This one took me quite a while to make, so I hope you guys like it. 🙂 Continue reading

Another Cover for Kupercaya Mujizat: Holy Spirit

Kupercaya Mujizat

Kupercaya Mujizat

Well, well, well, who knows that I can be this hyped about this? I decided that I’m going to do another cover for the album Kupercaya Mujizat that’s just recently got released. This song is actually has already quite popular inside Mawar Sharon Church, as this song has been sung for approximately two years in the services. But it never quite made into an album, simply just because the previous albums’ theme is not match with this song. But for this album, it’s a perfect match. Even SiEn Vanessa empower this song with her awesome voice. She added chinese lyrics part to the song, and I think, why not Indonesian then? So I went to utilize my rusty brain to once again put together Indonesian lyric translation for this song. For you who still don’t have this album, buy it. It even accompanied with miracle testimony book with the same title. You’ll get so much from just one single purchase of this album. Yes, I kinda endorse this album, but not because I have monetary gain for it. I don’t, not even one penny. But I don’t want you to miss the blessing you’ll receive through this album. Continue reading

It’s Finally Out: Kupercaya Mujizat

It’s already here!

It's already here!

It’s already here!

Okay, I’m usually have normal level of excitement when it’s about new album from Mawar Sharon Church. But for this album, I’m super hyped. I’ve preorder this album since December last year, and I just got it last night! This album is about the songs that I bet will be sung a lot at Festival Kuasa Allah (God’s Power Festival), a healing crusade that’s regularly be held by Mawar Sharon Church. But I’m especially hyped for this album because album like this is usually hits home to me. This kind of all-worship album is awesome and matched to my preference. But it’s not just that. It’s also the theme that it brings, and the song list that I just love so much.

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