Daily Prompt: Back to the Future

I think I want the pizza to be delivered 200 years from now.

I think I want the pizza to be delivered 200 years from now.

Today’s daily prompt is:

A service has been invented through which you can send messages to people in the future. To whom would you send something, and what would you write?

Before I say anything, I would like to say: FINALLY, a daily prompt which I’m not too late to join, with my favorite topic to discuss! WOOHOO! 😀

Ahem, back to the topic. Usually, the concept was the opposite: a technology has been invented so that we can communicate with people from the past. Or rather, GO to the past. But this type of communication concept is fairly new to me, but also old — if people from the future build a communication to the people to the past, then there automatically be way for people from the present to directly communicate with people from the future, through the communication channel build from the future. I just never positioned myself as the people from the past, so I never saw this idea coming.

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