Health Is Not Just An Asset

Now it has been the 3rd day I’m under control of an alien parasite called influenza. It’s not that bad though; having live on a tropical island of Indonesia, influenza has become a common daily disease here that our bodies have been adjusted to cope with it. When the people around the globe with four season in their countries suffer from influenza, it tends to become a bad disease that bring its victim down to the level of bed rest and unable to do anything. But in a tropical island like Indonesia, an influenza disease is just as common as headache or discount at Matahari department store (I never saw Matahari without something to be discounted at, by the way). For me, influenza is just another type of cough or sneeze. It’s very rare for the influenza to develop into something evil like cold.

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Garlicious Garlic For Your Heart

Who doesn’t know about garlic? One of the well-known recipe, garlic is not only infamous because of its odoriferous attribute, but also good for your health. In the ancient Egyptian era, slaves were fed garlic to increase their stamina. After eating some roasted peanut today, which have traces of garlic, I become interested to write about garlic. Today let’s take a look about what garlic hid behind beneath its cover.

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How to Maintain A Healthy Belly

Full course dinner

Full course dinner

Well, first, to be honest, I’m not a person who dilligently maintain and taking good care of myself. I’m not always eat on time, and also not strictly maintain a routine sleeping time. But I do love studying about health. So let me share what knowledge I have accumulate over the past 20 years. I know that my knowledge surely far from perfect and many of these are based on personal research, so let’s discuss about it together.

Today let’s talk about Stomach. It’s the organ inside our belly that can process the steak and fruit that we eat so that our body can absorb it. We supposedly have already know how important this one organ is. But we often forgot to taking care this organ correctly. Here are the suggestions on how to keep your stomach healthy.

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