Tax Amnesty Dengan Serba-serbi Kasusnya


English reader: This article is talking about tax amnesty that, by the time this article is written, is currently ongoing on Indonesia. This article is written in Bahasa Indonesia. Thank you.

Oke, jadi ceritanya gua barusan ikut workshop tentang tax amnesty. Ngga ada rencana mau ikut sih sebenarnya. Tetapi ternyata memang dapet banyak informasi yang menurut gua cukup berguna sih tentang apa itu sebenarnya tax amnesty, dan tentang perpajakan Indonesia pada umumnya. Ternyata gua yang merasa kira-kira cukup mengetahui apa itu tax amnesty, waktu ikut workshop nya, baru sadar kalau yah walaupun perkiraan gua tentang apa itu tax amnesty itu ngga jauh-jauh amat, tetapi ternyata ada detil-detil yang penting yang tidak akan gua ketahui kalau ngga ikut workshop ini. Tadi coba browsing di internet tentang beberapa detil pun juga tidak bisa nemu.

Nah, gua kan hobi nyatet nih. Jadi di sini mau sharing aja sih apa-apa aja tadi yang sempat gua catet. Moga-moga bisa berguna juga buat temen-temen ya. Siapa tahu ada yang seperti gua, punya feeling tahu apa itu tax amnesty, tapi ternyata tidak tahu. Lol. Dan juga sempat nyatet beberapa kasus-kasus tax amnesty, yang mungkin menarik untuk dipelajari, kali aja ada yang punya kasus yang sama. Btw, karena ini notes, mungkin tulisannya agak tidak keruan. Jadi mohon dimaklumi, diambil intinya saja, oke? 😀

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A Cowboy Minister

I’m not an easy fan. Really.

I reality, I’m not easy to be pleased, or feel please. I may act like I’m pleased to get something over with, but somewhere inside my heart, I’m always not pleased with half-hearted work result, or a mediocre work standard.

But after last day I heard about this cowboy act of Mr. Dahlan Iskan, well, I finally actually said “This is the work ethos Indonesians can follow.” Dahlan Iskan suddenly become trending topic yesterday on twitter.

Dahlan Iskan is a minister of the Indonesia state owned enterprise, appointed at Oct 2011 replacing the previous minister that was ill. Previously he’s a director of the government’s electrical company, appointed at 2009. And before that, he’s an entrepreneur and a shareholder at a  national-scale newspaper. He also found local television broadcasting.

I was following his story this last decade, and I have a good impression about him. Well, maybe that’s mainly because I don’t have a really good third source of opinion other than from his writing in his newspaper, and his published books after a liver transplant. But as I read his words and thoughts, he seems to have an integrity throughout all of what he said. All is connected to each other.

Well, my father often said that do not trust someone only from their words. And I guess that is true. Until last day when I heard he get mad because of the long queue at the Jakarta Semanggi Highway gate. And throw the chair of the late officers. And opened the gate and give approximately 100 car into the highway free.

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Earthquake Hit Japan! And Everywhere!

14.40 (UTC +07.00)

I’m still in a informal meeting with my workmate, when somebody pointing at the TV screen and said “Earthquake hit Japan!” We immediately rushing to the television, and witness with our own eyes LIVE that a huge Tsunami is rolling into Japan, because of the 8.9 SR earthquake. I see Narita airport drowned, residential places is just a pile of rubbish now. People panicked, more smaller earthquake happens periodically. They hold on in the roof of their home or their company building. Smokes coming out from tall buildings, and fires everywhere. All of this is happen because of a giant earthquake that’s 400 kilometers away from Japan! Now I see waters flowing everywhere like a gigantic sea in the residence and office area.

While I’m watching the television right now writing this blog post in lightning speed, something comes up on the screen. It’s “peringatan dini Tsunami dari Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika” or “early warning of Tsunami from Indonesian Agency for Meteorology and Climatology” that there is a chance that Indonesia will get caught in Tsunami also, notable in Jakarta, Singaraja, and Bali. Surabaya, the place where I live, is not in the list, but we still need to be cautious. In the TV, it’s stated that Tsunami can reach to Eastern part of Indonesia.

This is very terrible news. Last night, I heard that Bali got rocked by earthquake from the Nusa Tenggara Barat. It’s now getting scary. Let’s pray that no further earthquake will happen. I’ll keep you updated.

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